RethinkFutures in Action: Background and Sample Case

By: RethinkFutures Team

Published: Sep 20, 2023
RethinkFutures Holistic Clinical Journey map

About this Use Case

See how an AI-driven ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Clinical Decision Support system, fueled by the largest published autism outcomes dataset, can shape autism patient care, and predict outcomes.

This paper investigates the case of an 8-year-old male diagnosed at age 2 with autism. He also has comorbid anxiety and has been in ABA since age 3.

Issue without AI-Driven Support

Without AI-driven clinical decision support, he receives treatment that isn’t tailored to his personal situational issues like:

  • Social determinants of health (SDOH)
  • Holistic medical and behavioral health profile
  • Provider availability
  • Parental involvement

But decision support from RethinkFutures provides evidence-backed ABA hours recommendations tailored to his individual needs and transforms his overall case management approach.

Health plans using the RethinkFutures platform get unprecedented insights for ABA treatment management.

ABA Treatment Precision Enhancement

The platform facilitates comprehensive care management and cost optimization by enhancing the precision of ABA treatment frequency and incorporating:

  • Historical
  • Medical
  • Behavioral
  • Social data

Download Use Case

RethinkFutures in Action: Background and Sample Case

The platform also streamlines review processes, ensuring consistency and objectivity among payor staff.


And the platform’s robust data collection enables the improvement of:

  • Healthcare quality
  • Equity considerations
  • Network performance

RethinkFutures’ game-changing platform is using data science to revolutionize autism patient care.

Are you ready to rethink what’s possible? Download the Use Case to learn more.

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